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Initially cited as a stunt by travel companies to drive holiday sales, Blue Monday is often dubbed “the most depressing day of the year,” arising from bad weather, post-Christmas debt and failed new year’s resolutions.

But while the world wallows in post-holiday blues and existential dread, we believe there’s a better way to spend this “most depressing day of the year” – by flipping the script on job rejection.

Let’s face it, job hunting can be a brutal rollercoaster. For many, the post-holiday period coincides with heightened career aspirations and New Year’s resolutions often inspire a pursuit of professional change.

However, the inherent uncertainty of the job market can lead to disappointment when met with rejection. You pour everything into tailoring your CV and applications, and then…. rejection email.

It might make you question your worth, and it can definitely fuel some major Blue Monday blues.

But here’s the thing: rejection is not a reflection of your worth. It’s part of the process, and how you can handle it can make all the difference. We’re going to show you how you can deal with job rejection like a pro and bounce back, stronger!

Acknowledge and accept

Validate your feelings: It’s okay to feel disappointed, frustrated, or even angry. Allow yourself to process these emotions without judgement.

Challenge negative thoughts: Don’t personalise the rejection. Remember, it’s often not about you as a person, but about finding the right fit for the role.

Reframe the experience: View rejection as a learning opportunity and a chance to refine your approach for future applications.

Ask for help

Reach out to your network: Talk to friends, family, or mentors who have faced similar experiences. Sharing your feelings can be positive and offer valuable perspectives.

Ask for feedback: If possible, reach out to the interviewer and politely request constructive feedback. This can help you identify areas for improvement.

Seek professional advice: If you’re struggling with your job search, consider talking to a career counsellor or a recruitment specialist like ourselves. They can provide guidance and support to help you navigate your job search.

Focus on growth

Review your application materials: Analyse your CV, cover letter, and interview performance to identify any areas that could be improved.

Develop new skills: Use this time to learn new skills or acquire qualifications that will make you a more competitive candidate.

Network: Expand your professional network by attending industry events, connecting with people on LinkedIn, and reaching out to professionals you admire, and don’t forget to acknowledge your achievements along the way, no matter how small they may seem.

Maintain a positive attitude

Visualise success: Picture yourself landing your dream job and achieving your career goals. This can help you stay motivated and focused.

Practice gratitude: Focus on the things you’re grateful for, including your skills, experience, and the support of your loved ones.

Take care of yourself: Remember, a healthy body and a happy mind go hand in hand. Taking care of both will help you stay motivated and more likely to succeed.

Remember – resilience is key. The job hunt might feel like a Monday morning in January, but these tips will help you pace yourself, stay focused, and achieve your goals.